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Frequently Asked Question:



How long will it take my order to arrive once i've ordered my product?


The normal time frame for most our products to arrive is 3-5 business days.The tea is in high demand and may take longer to arrive,contact your rep to find out time frame on receive the tea.

How much tea should I drink?

Although individual results vary the package has the recommended amount to drink located on the back.Listen to your body and if to much is happening,cut back.If nothing seems to be happening,take a bit more.

Will i be sick or running to the bathroom when drinking the tea? What should i expect?

Some people have no health incidents,others do.You may experience toxins being released from any of the following methods: boils,cankers,body odor,gas or diarrhea.If you experience any of these conditions don't panic just hang on,your body will cleanse itself and be better than ever in a short 2-3 day period.If the detox seems extreme cut back on the tea.

How will i know the tea is working?

Everyone body responds differently depends on how toxic your body is.Make sure you keep track on how you feel from day to day and make a assessment at the end of each week.and again at the end of the month.Many people notice a difference in a day or so while others may take a bit longer.Other benefits of the tea is improved radiant skin,thicker hair,growing nails,increased energy etc..

I've heard some people get constipated,whats that all about?

Some people have a brief experience becoming constipated with the tea.The assumptions is that dried fecal matter is being loosened and may get "stuck".If you experience this don't panic just keep drinking the tea and increase your daily water intake.

Will I lose weight quickly drinking the tea?

This is not a weight loss tea its a cleanse and detox tea and weight loss is a result of the fecal matter and toxins being removed from your body.For many it significantly reduces the desire to eat,while increasing the desire for healthy foods.

What if i am cramping or going to the bathroom to much with the tea what should i do?

Take a day off from drinking the tea.Then start back drinking less of the tea and adjust the amount you drink,or you can make the tea using less tea bags until you get the desired results. 

I hear people say the tea makes them go to the bathroom alot but what if i drink it and don't experience that what should I do?

You may need to drink more of the tea or make the tea stronger by adding less water.

Should i drink the tea hot or cold?

You can drink the tea hot or cold its your choice.

Does the tea contain caffeine?

No the tea does not have caffeine in it.

How long should i drink the tea?

You can drink the tea as long as you want.The tea does not contain Senna,Senna leaves a residue in the colon that could lead to health problems.

Can i drink the tea if i take medications?

Although our tea is made up of all natural 100% organic herbs we highly recommend you consult with your doctor or physician before starting on the tea if you are on any medications.

Are chemicals in the tea?

No our tea does not have any chemicals in it and is made with 100% organic herbs that are grown in the United States.

 Shawnette Sampson

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